Go Fishing With Matt Nelson The NDYakAngler

Looking for a new fishing show? Check out NDYakAngler

Imagine waking up in the morning for work and trying to decide which lake or river to fish that day. One Fargo man has attracted so many YouTube followers with his fishing journeys that they are now a full-time job.

Preparing for a job by gathering his casting and spinning rods for another trip on the water, Matt Nelson of Fargo says it’s not a bad way to start the day.

“Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, really anything that bites, I am happy to be catching,” Nelson said.

Every day, Nelson hits an area lake or river with his kayak in search of the big ones. And he delivers for his YouTube viewers who tune in.

Check out his YouTube Channel, NDYakAngler. As he can seriously slam some bass from his kayak as he patrols the waters in North Dakota. Below are some recent videos of his as well. 


Bass Fishing With A Rat Lure

We had to also share this video from Matt Nelson (NDYakAngler). As he brings us on another adventure from his tricked out Kayak. He uses one of those Spro BBZ-1 rat lures. And…

He absolutely slams bass with it. It’s a very entertaining watch for any angler. Enjoy. 

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